Thursday 15 December 2011

It's dying...

The computer which has been with me is "dying". I have been trying to make it last longer but it seems not much use. I've used cans of air to clean it. It was better for less than 2 months. These few days it has been acting weird.

Never had BSOD ever, but I've met it 3 times during the past 5 days...

I am sad it seems it's time to let it go. When we see something is slipping away, we try harder to hang onto it. I am sad today. Very sad indeed...

In the past months, I've been watching some very educational youtube videos. That computer has been with me for so long, taught me so much, made me laugh and happy (and sad of course). I don't want to lose it yet.

I'm using my mother's computer to blog this entry.

Last night I freed a spider. It was crawling in my room, I scooped it up to a bottle. Released it into the wild again.

A song for everyone who is reading this, I love this song

Monday 28 November 2011


I like Gaiaonline a lot, They listen to users, make changes if things go wrong. I totally believe every users on Gaiaonline feel happiness or at least amused most of the time. I do not like the idea of selling virtual items for money but that's the only bad side of Gaiaonline.

Having said that, recently Gaiaonline even has a Cash Tree mechanism which allows its users to watch a very short advert every day 10 times, 1 GaiaCash per view. 10 GaiaCash every day.
30 days - 300 GaiaCash - Acceptable amount of its expensive Gaia game currency. 

The new Cash Tree is cute (for some users they said it's creepy) but that's an opinion.
Gaia Cash Tree
We gaians post on discussion forums to make virtual game currency gold.Or play games like zOMG, booty grab, pinballs on the site to get gold. Don't be fool we have to spend those gold on clothings for our avatars. We indeed don't need to force our avatars to wear anything fancy at all if we don't want to. Things to do with gold - Spend gold on making guilds, tipping other users for their great posts with gold, using gold to buy drawings from other users, exchange gold to game items using them to play (games like Blackjack, Slot, Aquarium)

In my opinion, Gaiaonline represents casual fun forum site that has games, manga and jokes.

Sorry if all these sound like promo, this a promote indeed, about something I like a lot :-)  For years, Gaiaonline has been part of my life, I check almost daily.

Check out some of my created avatars' looks

And here are some random users' avatars

Lots more fun, rude, childish, mature, caring, demanding, lovely, realistic, weird, unique gaians on Gaiaonline.

Add me, if you want me on your Gaiaonline friend list, drop me a comment here too, so I know who you are

Oh another thing I want to mention today:
 Wikipedia needs money, help them if you have extras cash

Saturday 19 November 2011

Why thumb up on video that I disagree

On youtube, sometimes I click thumb up (like) on video that have footage I disagree with.
For example this one

The reason why I clicked thumb up is that I see they put it up to show us the truth. Showcase the brutal activities some people choose to do.

It's a like & dislike situation. To me, it's rather silly to dislike if you agree such cruelty shouldn't have happened. This only makes sense I clicked like when I disagree.

This is just a spot of a "freaking huge iceberg", I'm just wanting to clear this out once and for all.

Saturday 22 October 2011


Doesn't have any android mobiles nor iPhone / iPad / iPod. But I've just signed up on Tumblr. For posting captures, images, photos with minimal effort.

Track me there if you want to

The tumblr account doesn't mean I won't blog here any longer, I will still blog once in a while. As you can see I haven't been playing The Sims 3 lately. It's because (1) how I see the Pets expansion contradicts to what my life is about. I love animals, I just don't like having pets - share loves by not paying anybody to kill any animals for their flesh as food (pets food too). (2) Home computer had dusk crisis. Now I've fixed it. Took me almost 3 weeks. No over spinning fans sound again! One happy Istongo :-) HAHA

Leave me comments if you want to, I feel lonely sometimes. Sadly I have abandoned my TS3 friends because just to avoid looking at their sims 3 pets. I afraid I will give in and buy Pets expansion for myself finally because my friends' pets are so cute and unique. Please forgive me...

Having said all these, I bought 2 Pets expansion last night! Surprise surprise, one for my dearest mum. And one for my brother (I promised him after he requested it :) ). So well done EA!!! You got my money for selling virtual pets! How awesome you are. -.- lol

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Look Who's Talking

Shelley ROCKS! I have been thrown too many Tu Quoque during "discussions". I wish I knew what's Tu Quoque OR this video came earlier! Bravo Shelley, just pure genius! I've learnt to explain on matters I didn't know how to explain well enough for those who reply purely mostly because they hate it.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Meat The Truth

Meat The Truth

I've just finished watching this documentary film moments ago. Maybe you would like to take a look too.  For animals, or for yourself, for those who are in hunger, for your friends who didn't know what they are eating.

It's official website

I love animals but not the pets trade. So I don't want to keep animals as pets, those canned pets food made from animals too, wake up! Feeding pets (that won't even exist without pets trade) with animals are just sick. Feeding pet animals with other murdered animals are not a way to show we love animals. It's just racism (or speciesism, some may like to use that term better).

Sunday 7 August 2011

Being an architect

I knew it! I knew I would love this Architectural Design profession. How silly of me for never tried this in depth until very recently!

Here is Mylo Elbanza.





Those screenshots were taken during his last 2 renovation jobs. After that he was titled as The most talented Architectural Designer in Sunset Valley!

It has been a joy to redesign townie's houses.

Here are some of earlier changes Mylo had make for his neighbours:

renovated bedroom

built a swimming pool and refurished living area, bedroom

new laundry room

renovated 2 bedrooms

redecorated sitting room for bookworm sim

I took Mylo Elbanza to Egypt on his first day, and too sad to confirm the in game camera (photography skill to be specific) is still bugged in my game (will update the latest patch soon, see if that will be solved) :-( oh well... I am glad the screencapturing option "C" button still works from taking captures at least.

Egypt world landmarks are visually stunning.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Walk On Water

I've witness this walk on water glitch in my game! Not Jesus, not Axel's walks on water act.

A townie sim suddenly emerged out of the swimming pool, walked a little then stood on top of water, took a photo of my sim Mylo naked, with his mobile phone from his top view.

I have finally tried forming a sim band, The Shrubberies recieved a makeover.

Nope, this band is not a dancing band, it just happens that I was trying Twallan's The Animator mod. Excellent mod thank you!

Saturday 25 June 2011

Deja Vu

The older I grow, the more Deja Vu I've experienced. I find them very strange I don't know where I get these Deja Vu at all. Like today when I was really randomly looking at a youtube video. I suddenly remember I saw that same site same situation same video at night right at 0:58 section. Like I've seen the clip before but whereas it is NO WAY possible in reality that I've seen it until tonight because Kylie twitted it!!

So how come?? I finally searched on internet again and found this 6 pages article. It's interesting to know more. While I don't think anyone can possibly know the true facts behind Deja Vu, I think sometimes maybe (just maybe) our minds are really experiencing glitches.

I am, of course, not hoping my brain was glitching when I had Deja Vu. I would love to fantasize there are some other cool reasons why human has Deja Vu (like our lives are written before we were born / another same reality presents on different dimension)

Thursday 2 June 2011

2 League of Legends videos

I really enjoy watching these 2 competitions video for League of Legends' Dreamhack Comes True contest. Of course they are not mine.

I am posting them here, maybe you will get some idea what is League of Legends?
Pure epic~ just epic creativity. Genius!!
Great animation and it's so true. Not easy to dislike this at all if you like League of Legends.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Survey (saved) - About Flow - Reinstall

Hello It's been a while, a really long while indeed... 2 nights ago I saw this website ( ) mentioned on simprograms. After I read what the site owner said about in need of help to fill out survey to keep the site up on news. I have filled the very short and easy survey, if you are passing by here, would you help too? Try to fill out the very short survey to help that site's maintance fee. Thank you so much ~ :-) [update - They have managed to gather enough survey filled and can keep the website running without money crisis! yeah!!!]

(at the end of the 2 questions survey there seems liked a pop up but with firefox, it's blocked, As far as looking on the url it's an .exe, but never show up on my end )

A little clip I extracted from my favourite television show - Six Feet Under.

I have been taking times off The Sims 3 game. Only play it causally without worrying about contests and assignments. Having said that I had reinstalled Sims 3 four times during the past month. It's not funny at all! I really hate when some sims from exchange have CC skin tone that replace the default game skin tones.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Original sizes... and more (updated)

Original sizes of each of those shown photos at the assignment photo. Plus quite a lot screencaptures which failed to make it to the final cut of the assignment photo. Now you can see most of them, their progression from not knowing to learnt a lot :) I've decided to show some failure/accidents photos too as I think they are funny to look at, don't they?



one final drink before they head off to moon

(This house basic structure is default from Rflong7's Moon Base Charlie II, but I coloured what's inside - floors, put those trees, decorating the front garden and re-decorated inside room which the flying scene took place. )

(at local park)
(I am thankful for Rflong7's amazing Moon Base Charlie II world, it's filled with interesting building structures, great Alpha One and some hangout bars! Landscape is beautiful, give her rec's and get that world to your game, I highly doubt you wouldn't be happy with this strange world. (NO CCs too!!) well the travelling can be long, but isn't that same with Sunset Valley from one end to the other end?)

(I didn't re-decorated Alpha One, this bar I use default scenery given by Rflong7)
(adults finally)

(I was shocked they have to turn into elders too. I was thinking it is possible to choose between to elders or to adults. I should read more carefully if there will be next time. But so glad for this final age stage, it cleared my concepts of how I wanted Barbie and Ken's future would be.)

by now you should know Alpha One is Barbie and Ken's favourite place for night's out. At their age, they danced extremely well at this dance club. I personally love how late this club closes (at 4am) compared with others on Moon Base Charlie II world.

Their daughter Claire at this time have been developed some intimacy with Leonard Hackle who lives next door.

They finally can harvest with style - with their invention Harvester. I can literally see they will plants lots of prefect qualities veggies and fruits because of this method on harvesting their farming patch. Maybe expanding on the patch in near future :-)

I have uploaded these 3 life stages of Barbie and Ken family to my studio seperately in the coming few days (I will ask Rflong7 for permission if I can upload the house first). If anyone interested playing them, please consider put them in Moon Base Charlie II world. They can show you those cool dances at Alpha One if you would allow them :)

So sorry I got carried away and posted too much photos. Hope they load alright without too much lagging.